Monday, July 21, 2008


I had no idea what to call this post! We have been church shopping again. We have to find a place where Wade can be on staff (not necessarily paid) so he can get his requirements for the chaplaincy. We had a place we were going and enjoyed it but it was a different denomination than Wade will be going in as a chaplain. So we needed to find a new church. We have been looking for several weeks. I hate it! I want to open the phonebook and have God highlight where we should go.
We went somewhere yesterday and we knew when the first person greeted us, this place was not for us. We didn't want to be rude so we stayed (it was a small church - they would have noticed us leaving!). We had heard good things about this place but it was not at all what we expected. It is amazing to me how one person can walk into a church and love it and know that is where they are supposed to be and another person walk in and know that is not where they are supposed to be. It's the same church, they believe what you do, but it just isn't where you fit.
We have found some places that are ok, but when I go to church I want to feel as though I belong and am needed. Because I do know that feeling, I want to know instantly! That may be the wrong approach but I know that we are on a limited time frame of when we have to find a church home and become involved. I don't want to visit month after month waiting to know if that is the place or not. For one, my girls have their friends and then we leave - try explaining that to a 3 and 5 year old. They don't understand why we don't fit there when they are fine there.
Aside from that, the weekend went pretty well. We tried a new pizza place Friday night and Ross finally opened! I walked in and it was so weird - it smelled exactly the same as the one in Texas. It's like they have filtered "Ross" air. I of course found some great things.
My SIL bought me some maternity capris since I will not be in my regular ones for much longer. I found a cute dress and jacket and some really cute flats. I do not normally wear flats but with having to walk all over campus next sememster pregnant no less I thought I had better find some cute flats. I don't wear sneakers that often. I generally only wear them to work out or when I feel really grungy. Not that there is anything wrong with them ( I feel like Seinfeld right now - "not that there is anything wrong with that"!) I even like some of the new sneakers that are non athletic and are mostly for looks but I don't know how much use I would get out of them. I love that store. You have to have time to look though. i left the girls with Wade and his uncle at the pizza place and walked over so I could have some time to look.
It is the kind of store you can't go looking for something specfic or you won't find a thing! But if you go just looking for general "clothes" or "shoes" you can usually find something. I love it for kids clothes too! Well, I guess I will end this super long post for today. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Thaddeus said...

I don't know how chaplaincies work, but I highly recommend the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For one thing, all of their clergy positions are unpaid, and they give 'callings' or volunteer service opportunities to everyone in the congregation.

For another thing, there are plenty of branches in every state and in almost every country in the world, so no matter where you are you can find a church-family to connect with.

You can ask me more about it (if you're interested) on my blog.