So I think I mentioned it last time but for Ainsley's birthday she got her own room. Therefore, Renah too got her own room sort of. She was really upset that Ainsley was leaving her. We were going to use the 4th bedroom as a nursery/guest room. We decided to ask Renah if she wanted Mackenzie in her room. She was thrilled! She is so excited to be sharing her room with the baby (even though right now it is just her crib and we have told her that after she is born it will still take awhile)
The amazing thing to Wade and I is that there has been much less fighting since then and they play together so much better! It has been really nice. Even bedtime is easier! I am so thankful for the room to give them their own space! Yesterday we were at the pool and the whole time they carried each other around and played happily together . It made this mommy's heart so happy! I do have a sister but she is nine years older than me and we have never been that close. I love that I have my little girls ( and another one on the way) to have that sister bond that i always wanted. I pray they are close for life as there is something very special about sisters.
I am so so so grateful to THE FATHER for giving me Laura and Randi. We were not close when we were younger but now we are inseparable. I love having sisters and I am glad my girls have each other! MacKenzie and Isabella fuss a lot more now that they are smushed ontop of one another but I know when we move into our house it will get better! :) Happy 4th. Blessings
OH...How I wish my kiddos could have their own room. I think it would really cut down on a lot of the bickering they do. It's all in the Lord's timing..I know. I just wish it would be sooner, rather than later! :) Hope you guys had a great 4th!!!
My boys are best friends and it is one of the greatest joys of my life. My poor daugther, however, begs daily for a sister.
I was sad the day my girls each got their own room. The Laura/Mary Ingalls dream ended.
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