Monday, June 21, 2010

1st day of summer!

Wow it was hot today! First day of summer and it hit 100 degrees! We hit the pool! When I woke up this morning I contemplated going to the Y to work out then take the girls swiming in the wonderful pool but remembered that Mackenzie has a cough and while the Dr said she is fine and not contagious the child watch people don't believe me and will call me from my work out after the first cough. So instead I knew I had some errands to run, but I told the girls to get their suits on and if they didn't ask me over and over when we were going to the pool, we could go after we did the errands.
They did great and it worked out that Wade could join us! Unfortunately, our sunscreen must be old and did not work so we all got burned, except Mackenzie who was under her shaded flotie most of the time. This is the girls first real burn and I feel so bad! But I did slather them in sunscreen it just didn't work.
Seven years ago today was my due date with Ainsley. I was so miserable and huge and ready for her to be born! She decided to wait 5 more days though. I can't believe it's been 7 years! I look at her and am amazed at the person she is becoming.
Renah finished pre - k and knows all of her letters and can count to 100 with a little help. She is readingf a few words and cannot wait for kindergarden. She defintely keeps me on my toes and we never know what is going to come out of her mouth! She is Wade's daughter for sure!
Mackenzie has 2 teeth now. She is pulling up on everything and trying her best to walk. She is babbling, "Da da", "Uh oh" and "dat" for that. "Ma ma" has been uttered only once or twice but she is a momma's girl! She is so happy and sweet. She has helped in the healing process for all of us.
Father's Day was a good day. The girls and I had a special picture blown up for Wade. It has him with Ainsley on his shoulders, Renah on her shoulders and Mackenzie on her shoulders (with a little help!). This is a picture he has wanted for awhile and when his parents were here for Mackenzie's dedication in March, we had some family pictures made. That was one of them. The girls and I had it blown up and framed. I made a big dinner and we celebrated with another family that we adore. Even though it's been alm ost 3 years since I lost my dad, I thought about him a lot yesterday.
It has been a fun but busy summer so far. Wade has Greek most of the summer so I have been trying to come up with things for the girls and I to do. They had a lemonade stand last week and raked in the cash! They want to do it all the time now!
Well, I'm off to do some reading. I have joined a book club and just got the book tonight so I have a lot of reading to do! Enjoy the heat!

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